
消费者感知的行业污名维度:一个探索实证研究 被引量:2

The Dimensionality of Consumer Perception toward Industry Stigma: An Empirical Investigation
摘要 行业的污名维度是行业内的企业开展形象修复运动的重要前提。为了揭示国内消费者感知的行业污名维度,首先通过文献研究法和德尔菲法确定国内、外典型行业及消费者的污名印象;进而在大样本问卷调查的基础上,通过因子分析,探讨了消费者感知的行业污名的维度,以及消费者的行业涉入对行业污名维度感知的影响。结果显示:国内外消费者对行业污名的感知存在明显差异;国内消费者感知的行业污名维度包括:业务型行业污名和形象型行业污名。 The dimension of industry stigma is an important prerequisite for enterprises to mend their images. In order to investigate the dimension of industry stigma by China's consumers, this paper firstly identifies the perception about stigma by domestic and overseas typical industries through Delphi Technique and the literature research method. Secondly, the classification of consumer perception toward the typical stigma industries is investigated by the factor analysis, in the qualitative research stage and the effect of the consumer's industry involvement on the perception of stigma is explored on the base of the survey. It is found that three typical stigma industries are constructed by two types of industry stigma: the business industry stigma and the image industry stigma. Finally, the theory and practice value and suggestions tor the future research are discussed.
出处 《当代经济管理》 2011年第5期28-33,共6页 Contemporary Economic Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目<消费者规范理性与企业善因行为及其关联性研究>(70672038) 五邑大学青年基金项目<中外企业社会责任信息披露研究:基于企业社会责任报告>(30122006)
关键词 污名 行业污名 污名维度 因子分析 stigma industry stigma dimensionality of stigma factor analysis
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