
消费者对转基因食品态度的形成:理论与量表设计 被引量:17

Formation of Consumers' Attitudes towards Genetically Modified Foods:Theory and Design of Scales
摘要 消费者对转基因食品的态度对政府的转基因食品政策和转基因食品企业的行为选择产生深刻影响。为考察转基因食品消费者态度的形成,采用文献研究法,分析了消费者对转基因食品态度的形成机制、消费者对转基因食品态度形成模型的演变与核心内容,提出了一个"自上而下"的消费者态度形成的理论模型。模型表明,消费者对转基因食品的态度由知觉利益、知觉风险所决定;而知觉利益、知觉风险很大程度上受到消费者对技术的态度、对自然的态度、市场疏离和食品恐新等一般态度、知觉知识和信任程度的影响。在借鉴国外学者提示的量表基础上,经过对预调查数据进行项目分析和探索性因子分析,设计了一个用以验证理论模型的量表。 Consumer's attitude towards genetically modified (GM) foods has a profound impact on governmenfs polices of GM foods and the behavior choice of GM food enterprises. In order to examine the formation of consumer's attitudes towards GM foods,this paper adopts literature review to analyze the formation mechanism of consumer's attitude towards GM foods,investigates the evolution and cen- tral content of formation model of consumer's attitudes and proposes a "from top to bottom" theoretical model for the formation of consumers' attitudes towards GM foods. The model shows that consumers' attitudes towards GM foods is determined by perceived benefits and perceived risks. And perceived bene- fits and perceived risks are, to a large extent, influenced by general attitudes such as attitudes toward technology,attitudes toward nature, market alienation and food neophobia, perceived knowledge about genetic engineering and trust in regulators. Based on scales by foreign scholars, after applying the item a- nalysis and the exploratory factor analysis to pre-survey data, this paper develops a questionnaire to empirically examine the theoretical models.
出处 《华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第3期6-11,共6页 Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 江苏省2010年度高校哲学社会科学研究基金资助项目"消费者对转基因食品的态度和购买意愿研究"(2010SJB630058) 教育部人文社会科学基金青年项目"食品安全问题的流通环节调控机制研究--以生鲜蔬菜为例"(10YJC630167)
关键词 消费者 转基因食品 态度 量表 理论模型 consumer Genetically Modified Food attitude measuring scale theoretical model
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