
反作用飞轮电机换相力矩波动抑制协同控制方法 被引量:2

Reducing Commutation Torque Ripple of Reaction Flywheel Motor by Synergetic Control
摘要 针对反作用飞轮电机换相所产生的非理想力矩影响卫星姿态控制精度的问题,采用永磁无刷直流电机绕组感生电势、相电流和电磁转矩的解析计算方法得到了反作用飞轮电机的换相力矩波动最小化条件,提出了基于该最小化条件的换相力矩波动抑制高动态协同控制方法,抑制反作用飞轮电机三种运行状态下的换相力矩波动。试验结果表明,电动状态下换相力矩波动减小了12%、可控能耗制动和反接制动状态下换相力矩波动减小了90%以上,验证了该方法的可行性和有效性。 In order to solve the problem of reaction flywheel motor torque ripple effecting satellite attitude control accuracy,the flywheel motor commutation torque ripple minimization conditions are derived by adopting the analytical method of permanent magnet brushless DC motor induced electromotive force,phase current and electromagnetic torque,and a highly dynamic synergetic control approach is proposed based on the commutation torque ripple minimum conditions.The approach is used to restrain commutation torque ripple of reaction flywheel under different operating conditions.The experiment results show that the commutation torque ripple decreases by 12% in the electrical mode,and the commutation torque ripple is reduced by 90% or more in controlled braking and reverse braking modes,thus verifying feasibility and effectiveness of the control approach.
出处 《宇航学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期1305-1311,共7页 Journal of Astronautics
基金 国家"973"计划项目(2009CB72400103)
关键词 反作用飞轮 换相力矩波动 能耗制动 反接制动 永磁无刷直流电机 Reaction flywheel Commutation torque ripple Energy consumed braking Reverse braking Permanent magnet brushless DC motor
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