根据超市收银管理系统的实际需求,文章给出了基于单片机的收银管理系统设计。该系统使用SQL Server 2000作为后台数据库,VB 6.0作为开发平台,下位机AT89C51通过串口实现与上位机交互,设计并实现了登陆、售货、入库和人员信息管理等功能。该系统在中小型超市具有很好的实用价值,可以提高超市的管理水平和售货的效率。
According to the actual demand of supermarket management system,the design process of cashier management system based on microcomputer is given.SQL Server 2000 is used as the background database.VB6.0 is the development platform.AT89C51 communicates with a host computer through a serial port.The login,sales,inventory,personnel information management and other functions are implemented.The system with good practical value in the small and medium-sized supermarkets can improve the supermarket management level and selling efficiency.
Instrumentation Technology