

Simulation and analysis of wind speed characteristics and wind turbine dynamic characteristics
摘要 对风剪、塔影和尾流对风速的影响进行研究,建立了风力机数学模型。对某风场中的风速进行仿真分析,结果表明风速相对于原先的风速明显减小,从而使得风力机的输出功率明显比自然风速下的功率要小。对风轮的输出功率和电机的输出功率、风能利用系数和叶尖速比进行了仿真分析,结果表明:在该风场中,所选风力机的输出功率在额定功率以下,风能利用系数和叶尖速比变化范围较小,风力机没有达到合理使用。 After studying the influence on the wind speed by wind shear,tower shadow and wake,the wind turbine mathematic model was established.By simulating and analyzing certain wind field,the result has proven that wind speed obviously reduce relative to former wind speed,causing output power of the wind turbine to be smaller than that under natural wind.The wind wheel output power,motor output power,power coefficient and blade top speed ratio were simulated and analyzed.The results show that the selected wind turbine output power is lower than rated power,both the variation of power coefficient and blade top speed ratio is relatively small,and wind turbine has not been used rationally in the wind field.
作者 秦录芳 孙涛
出处 《机械设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期84-87,91,共5页 Journal of Machine Design
关键词 风速特性 风力机组 动态特性 仿真 wind speed characteristics wind turbine dynamic characteristics simulation
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