
产甲烷常温菌和嗜热菌代谢网络特征的比较研究 被引量:1

A comparative study of the characteristics of metabolic networks about mesophilic and thermophilic methanogen
摘要 以产甲烷的常温古细菌Methanosarcina acetivorans(MAC)和嗜热古细菌Methanopyrus kandleri(MKA)的代谢网络为研究对象,分析了网络的拓扑结构与功能之间的关联性。本文利用Networkx计算了代谢网络的度、度的中心性、紧密度中心性以及介数中心性等参数值,通过比较分析发现常温古细菌MAC和嗜热古细菌MKA存在氨基酸代谢以及碳水化合物代谢保守途径,且都具有明显更高的度。结果同时表明子途径00010(糖酵解/糖异生)、00020(柠檬酸循环)、00250(丙氨酸、天冬氨酸和谷氨酸代谢)是常温古细菌MAC与嗜热古细菌MKA2个生物体的重要途径。 In the current study of metabolic networks of mesophilic Methanosarcina acetivorans(MAC)and thermophilic Methanopyrus kandleri(MKA),the relationships between network topologies and functions were analyzed.Besides,several measures were computed,such as degree, degree centrality,closeness centrality and betweenness centrality by networks programming.It was found that amino acid metabolisms and carbohydrate metabolisms were conservative pathways in MAC and MKA organisms,and they had significantly higher degrees.The pathway 00010 (glycolysis/gluconeogenesis),00020(Citrate cycle),00250(Alanine,aspartate and glutamate metabolism)were the important subpathways of MAC and MKA as is shown by the result.
出处 《计算机与应用化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期769-773,共5页 Computers and Applied Chemistry
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(21001053) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(JUSRP11126)
关键词 代谢网络 古细菌 产甲烷菌 metabolic network archaea methanogens
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