

Non-dental professionals and medical students knowledge of oral health care habits Survey
摘要 目的:了解非口腔医学生口腔卫生保健知识和行为习惯的现状,为探索适合大学生人群口腔卫生保健的健康教育模式及途径提供依据.方法:采用自行设计问卷,内容包括口腔卫生知识,卫生习惯和卫生行为3方面.共设26道选择题.调查对象 延安大学医学院非口腔专业(临床医学)08级(大三)医学生.采用整群抽样方法,随机选取200名医学生进行问卷调查,获有效问卷156份进行统计分析.结果:非口腔专业医学生口腔卫生保健10个知识平均知晓率为52.31%.口腔保健7个行为平均正确率为39.48%.9个口腔不良卫生习惯平均发生率16.81%.12.18%的医学生有早晚刷牙的习惯,71.16%采用正确的刷牙方式,42.95%有饭后漱口的习惯.26.28%的医学生通过学校教育获得口腔保健知识.结论:非口腔专业医学生的口腔保健知识较薄弱,行为较落后,口腔卫生保健有待加强,是今后高校健康教育工作中需要重点关注的问题. Objective:Non-dental medical students knowledge of oral health status and behavior, for students to explore the oral health care among the health education modal and ways to provide evidence. Methods:To design the questionnaire,including oral health knowledge, health habits and health aspects of behavior 3. A total of 26 multiple choice questions. Yan'an University School of Medicine survey of nondental professional(clinical)08(junior)medical students. A cluster sampling method, 200 medical students were randomly selected survey, 156 questionnaires were valid for statistical analysis. Results: Of nondentists medical students knowledge of oral health care of 10 average awareness was 52.31%. Oral health behavior of the average accuracy rate of 7 39.48%. Poor oral hygiene habits 9 the average rate of 16. 81%. 12.18% of the medical students have the habit of brushing teeth morning and evening,71.16% used the correct way to brush your teeth,42.95% had the habit of mouthwash after meals. 26.28% of medical students get through school oral health education. Conclusion: Non-oral professional oral health knowledge of medical students are relatively weak, the behavior has fallen behind, oral health care needs to be strengthened,the work of the future of health education need to focus on issues of concern.
出处 《按摩与康复医学》 2011年第17期237-238,共2页 Chinese Manipulation and Rehabilitation Medicine
关键词 非口腔专业医学生 口腔健康 行为习惯 Non-dentists medical students Oral health Behavior
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