
英美学术界《魔戒》研究五十年 被引量:8

Five Decades of Studies on The Lord of the Rings in Anglo-American Academia
摘要 作为在西方读者中享有盛誉的奇幻文学代表作,托尔金的《魔戒》三部曲在英美学术界的遭遇堪称曲折。50年来,英美学术界对托尔金及《魔戒》的认识和接受经历了由最初的褒贬不一到当前的备受推崇的过程。《魔戒》研究的兴起推动并引领了奇幻文学研究热潮,促使学者们重新思考他们对经典文学的定义,重新评估神话、传奇等奇幻体裁的文学价值,从而开拓了奇幻文学研究的新领域。 As the representative of fantasy literature, J.R.R.Tolkien's fiction The Lord of the Rings hasn't had its academic fame established. In the past five decades, studies on the fiction have undergone dramatic changes, from being inadequate initially to the flowering period nowadays. Such studies in turn promoted the boom of fantasy literature research, stimulating scholars to re-think their definition of literary classics and re-evaluate such genres as myth and legend, so as to develop a new field of literary research.
作者 王国喜
出处 《天中学刊》 2011年第2期87-90,共4页 Journal of Tianzhong
基金 信阳师范学院2009年度青年科研基金资助项目(200911)
关键词 《魔戒》 托尔金 英美学术界 奇幻文学 The Lord of the Rings Tolkien Anglo-American academia fantasy literature
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  • 1Wilson, Edmund. Oyo, Those Awful Rocs ! [J]. The Nation, 1956(4).
  • 2Fuller, Edmund. Books with Men Behind Them[M]. New York: Random, 1962.
  • 3Boucher, Anthony. Recommended Reading[J]. Fantasy and Science Fiction, 1955(8).
  • 4Carter, Lin. The Young Magician[M]. New York: Ballantine, 1969.
  • 5Spacks, Patricia M. Power and Meaning in The Lord of the Rings[J]. Critique, 1959(4).
  • 6Zimbardo, Rose. Moral Vision in The Lord of the Rings[G]//Zimbardo, Rose and Isaacs, Neil. Understanding The Lord of the Rings: the Best of Tolkien Criticism. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004.
  • 7Reilly, Robert.J.R.R. Tolkien and the Fairy Story[J]. Thought, 1963(5).
  • 8Chance, Jane. Tolkien's Art: A Mythology for England[M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1979.
  • 9Fliege, Verlyn. Frodo and Aragom:The Concept of Hero[G]//Zimbardo, Rose and Isaacs, Neil. Tolkien: New Critical Perspectives. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1977.
  • 10Timmons, Daniel. Mirror on Middle-earth: J.R.R.Tolkien and the Critical Perspectives[D]. Ann Arbor: UMI, 1998.




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