
无线多跳Ad hoc网络最佳吞吐率分析 被引量:2

Optimal Throughput Analysis of Wireless Multi-Hop Ad hoc Network
摘要 为了准确研究多跳Ad hoc网络可提供的应用层服务情况,提出了一种融合载波监听多址接入冲突避免机制(CSMA/CA)和隐藏节点效应的系统容量建模方法.多跳通信环境下CSMA机制和隐藏节点效应的共同作用使节点的竞争占用信道情况变得复杂.通过分析节点在整个信道接入过程中所经历的竞争行为来建立模型,推导了在CSMA和隐藏节点共同作用情况下系统可达到的最佳吞吐率表达式,给出了基于802.11b/g媒体接入控制机制参数下系统最佳吞吐率的理论数值结果和仿真结果.仿真结果表明,新的建模方法和理论模型能准确估计多跳Ad hoc网络的应用层服务支撑情况. A carrier sensing muhiple access collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) and hidden node effect integrated system modeling method is proposed to study the optimum sustained application traffic of multi- hop Ad hoc network. The coexistence of CSMA scheme and hidden node effect in multi-hop environment makes the nodes' competition for channel occupation more complicated. Firstly, we set up the optimum throughput model of the system by analyzing the modes' competing action for accessing the channel. Then we deduce the mathematical expression of system optimum throughput under both CSMA effect and hidden node effect. Finally, numerical results are given based 802. ll b/g media access control mechanism in both analysis and simulation. Simulation of different chain hops and different packet size verifies that the modeling method and the model expression could accurately evaluate the traffic supporting situation in muhi-hop Ad hoc networks.
出处 《北京邮电大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期127-131,共5页 Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
基金 教育部留学归国人员基金项目 国家自然科学基金项目(60772109)
关键词 载波监听多址接入 隐藏节点 AD HOE 多跳 最佳吞吐率 carrier sensing multiple access hidden node Ad hoc multi-hop optimal throughput
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