在研究了聚丙烯腈/ 二甲基亚砜( P A N/ D M S O) 纺丝溶液粘度特性的基础上, 初步探讨了纺丝液中 P A N的质量分数与纤维的可牵伸性及致密性的关系。对溶液粘度特性的研究表明, 溶液中 P A N 相对分子质量和质量分数的增加均使溶液粘度不同程度地升高, 溶液粘度随 P A N 质量分数的增加呈指数关系增大, 溶液粘度与溶液温度的关系符合阿仑尼乌斯方程; 对纤维的可牵伸性的研究表明, 纺丝液中 P A N 质量分数的提高, 有利于提高纤维的致密性和促使凝固牵伸倍数和总牵伸倍数增大,
In this paper, the influences of the concentration and the drawing property of PAN/DMSO solution on the surface structure of the fiber were investigated on the basis of the study of the viscosity of PAN/DMSO solution. It turned out that the relation between the viscosity and temperature of PAN/DMSO solution followed an Arrhenius type equation, that the viscosity increased accordingly with the increase of molecular weight and concentration, and that the relation between the viscosity and concentration of the solution was an indices curve. It was also found that the drawing ratio during coagulation and the total drawing ratio increased with the increase of concentration of the solution. The study showed that the surface wrinkles of wet spinning fiber would become shallower with higher concentration of the spinning solution and yet it would not disappear when adopting wet spinning method.
Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology(Natural Science Edition)