1Robert O Keohane,Joseph S Nye Jr.Power and Interdependence:World Politics in Transition. . 1977
2AndrewMoravcsik."Preferences and Power in the European Community:A LiberalIntergovernmentalist Approach". Journal of Common MarketStudies . 1993
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4Kenneth N.Waltz.Theory of International Politics. . 1979
5Andrew Moravcsik."Negotiating the Single Euro-pean Act:National Interests and Conventional Statecraft in theEuropean Community". International Organization . 1991
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8Robert O Keohane,Joseph S Nye Jr.Power and Interdependence:World Politics in Transition. . 1977
9Robert O Keohane,Joseph S.Nye,Jr.Power and Interdependence:World Politics in Transition. . 1977
10Andrew Moravcsik."Preferences and Power inthe European Community:A Liberal Intergovernmentalist Ap-proach". Journal of Common Market Studies . 1993
1See for instance Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye. Power and Interdependence [M]. Boston; Little Brown, 1977.
2See for instance John Owen. Liberal Peace , Liberal War [M]. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1997.
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8Nguyen Khac Vien. Vietnam a Long History [M].
9Le Thanh Khoi. Le Vietnam [M]. Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1955.
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