
海水淡化反渗透系统中膜生物污染控制的研究进展 被引量:2

A Review of Biofouling Control in SWRO Systems
摘要 海水反渗透膜生物污染是由微生物在膜表面沉积和生长而形成的生物膜造成的污染,因此控制膜生物污染可从杀死微生物和抑制其生长两方面进行。目前常用的控制膜生物污染的两大方法是通过投加杀菌剂(如氯、二氧化氯、臭氧、UV、DBNPA)来杀死微生物和去除碳营养元素来抑制其繁殖。应用"在线混凝+MF/UF"的预处理方法,通过去除磷来控制海水反渗透膜生物污染将成为未来的研究趋势。 Biofouling is the formation of biofihns on membrane surface by deposition and growth of micro-organisms from raw water. Therefore, biofouting control is classified into two main methods. One is to kill micro-organisms and the other is to inactivate micro-organisms growth. This paper summarized two main approaches to control biofouling: adding biocides (chlorine, chlorine dioxide, and ozone, UV, DBNPA) to kill micro-organisms and removal of carbon to limit micro-organisms growth. The pretreatment of phosphorus removal by in-line coagulation +MF/UF is proposed to be the trend of study for biofouling control in SWRO systems.
出处 《中国环境管理干部学院学报》 CAS 2011年第3期56-59,共4页 Journal of Environmental Management College of China
关键词 海水反渗透 膜生物污染 杀菌剂 预处理 除磷 SWRO biofouling biocide pretreatment phosphorus removal
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