在统一的产品信息模型的基础上,采用 S T E P标准实现产品数据的交换与共享,制定了圆锥 轮的应用协议( Z C A P),达到 C A D/ C A P P系统集成。 C A D 系统根据 Z C A P建立零件特征模型,输出 S T E P中性文件。 C A P P系统根据应用协议对 S T E P中性文件进行后置处理,提取零件信息,制定加工工艺。为了使产品数据操作方便,该系统可以对产品数据进行查阅、修改及 S T E P文件的重构。
This paper presented an integration CAD/CAPP system which realizes the production data exchange and shares with STEP by adopting an unified production information model, and formulated an application protocol of the bevel gear (ZCAP). CAD system created part feature model according to ZCAP, and gave an output to STEP file. CAPP postprocesses the STEP file according to ZCAP, picks up part information and establishes process plans. In order to facilitate the operating on the product data, STEP tool provides function to conveniently inquire, modify product data and reconstruct STEP file.
Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering