

The renal function study of MR perfusion of hydronephrosis due to ureteropelvic junction obstruction in therabbitmodel
摘要 目的探讨MR灌注成像技术对积水肾脏’肾功能的评估价值。方法应用塑料套管压迫法建立肾盂输尿管连接部梗阻致肾积水动物模型10只。模型建立前后分别对样本行核医学肾动态显像(单光子发射计算机体层成像SPECT)及MR灌注成像,并以病理检查为佐证,观察样本手术前后各项参数的变化,进行MR灌注参数与核素GFR的统计学相关性分析。结果积水肾脏皮髓质MR灌注参数,包括积水肾脏的肾实质体积,术前(8400.82±1082.25)mm^3,术后(7608.00±951.29)mm^3(P=0.021);基于Patlak技术推算出的分肾功能(PatlakSRF,pSRF),术前(0.5709±0.1472)ml/min,术后(0.3455±0.1226)ml/min(P=0.0092)以及核素扫描测得的GFR,术前(277.6±214.5)ml/min,术后(112.8±89.9)ml/min(P=0.009),均较术前有不同程度的缩小或下降。术前、术后pSRF分别与核素扫描测得的GFR呈高度正相关(术前r=0.712,P=0.041,术后r=0.633,P=0.037);而肾实质体积v术前与核素GFR呈正相关(r=0.673,P=0.028),术后基本无相关性(r=0.312,P=0.079)。结论MR灌注成像技术能够比较全面深入的、定量的评估兔梗阻性肾积水时的肾功能变化;检查能够获取足够的信息,其所获取的肾功能指标与核素检查肾功能指标密切相关。 Objective To study the feasibility of MR perfusion imaging in assessing renal function of hydronephrosis in animal model Methods Ten New Zealand rabbits (10-week-old, Male) underwent ureteropelvic junction obstruction by embolied the right ureter of ureteropelvic junction into a plastic eannula. Before and two months after the surgery, the animals were performed both on SPECT and MR perfusion, MR perfusion parameters were assessed, and statistical analyses were performed on the GFR of SPECT and MR perfusion parameters. Results Majority MR perfusion parameters, such as volume of renal parenchyma(7608.00 ± 951.29 mm^3 ) and pSRF(0. 3455 ± 0. 1226 ml/min) after operation were decreased than those before operation (8400. 82 ± 1082. 25 mm^2 , 0. 5709 ± 0. 1472 ml/min, respectively). Statistic analysis showed that pSRF had good statistically relationship with GFR of SPECT(preoperation r = 0. 712, p = 0. 041, postoperation r = 0. 633, p = 0. 037). However, there were no obvious relation of volume of renal parenchyma with GFR after operation(r = 0. 312, p = 0. 079). Conclusions MR perfusion imaging can accurately assess animal model' renal function in hydronephrosis. MR perfusion nephrogram can provide the sufficient message which may have statistically relation with GFR of SPECT.
出处 《中华小儿外科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期451-455,共5页 Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery
基金 北京市教委科技面上项目(编号:KM200810025007) 北京市科技新星计划(编号:2007B008)
关键词 输尿管梗阻 核医学 模型 动物 Ureteral obstruction Nuclear medicine Models, animal
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