
社会工作的专业地位、基本策略以及与志愿服务的关系:历史回顾与反思 被引量:14

A study on Social Work's Status and Strategies and its Influence on Volunteers:A Historical Review and Refection
摘要 社会工作产生于志愿服务。在寻求科学化的慈善服务中,社会工作者始终与志愿者保持着一种平等合作的关系,注重在社区的场景中把个人改变和社会改变结合起来。但是,在成为政府提供直接社会福利服务的主要专业之后,社会工作把专业地位的寻求作为发展的主要目标,在专业内部,出现个人因素与社会因素的冲突;在专业外部,出现社会工作者与志愿者平等合作关系的断裂。全球化带来经济竞争的加剧,改变了政府的基本社会政策,促使社会福利服务从政府为主转变成多方参与的多元服务模式。80、90年代西方社会普遍认识到政府和市场机制的限制,鼓励非政府组织加入社会福利服务系统。这样,在全球化处境下社会工作需要重新确定自己的专业位置,它不仅是政府多层面管理系统的一部分,同时又是与非政府组织等各种社会资源合作的政府代言人,只有通过与志愿者建立平等合作的关系,才能在社区中充分整合各种社会资源为社区居民提供符合本地需要的专业服务。西方社会工作的专业化发展经验也为我国社会工作的发展提供有益的借鉴,帮助中国社会工作者更好地应对全球化带来的各项挑战。 Social work is originally rooted in volunteering.During the early stage of seeking 'scientific charity',social workers attempted to combine individual change with social change in local communities,partnering with volunteers.However,since social work became a major profession for government to deliver social welfare services,it sought social status as its main goal by professionalizing.As a result,the conflict between individual factors and social factors came about,and the partnership between social workers and volunteers broke down.With the increase of economic competition in the context of globalization,social welfare services have shifted from the traditional state-dominated form to the multiple shared one,which is facilitated by the general recognition of the failure of state or market performing and the introducing of voluntary sectors into social welfare services in the 1980s and 1990s.To meet the new challenges caused by the transition of social welfare services,social work needs to redefine its professional position to meet the request of both as a governor in multi-level management system and as representative of government in collaboration with voluntary sectors.Only in doing so,is it possible for social workers to utilize different social resources in communities to provide specific services suitable for local citizens.The historical experiences of Western social work provide a good lesson for the development of Chinese social work facing the same challenges caused by globalization.
作者 童敏
出处 《华东理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2011年第2期17-23,共7页 Journal of East China University of Science and Technology:Social Science Edition
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究2009年度一般项目"城市社区和机构社会工作专业化服务发展的研究"(项目编号:09YJA840026)的阶段性成果
关键词 社会工作 志愿服务 专业地位 基本策略 social work volunteering professional social status basic strategies
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