目的 研究血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂( A C E I)培哚普利对高血压患者尿微量白蛋白及肾功能的作用。方法 42 例高血压患者停用原抗高血压药物 1 周以上,应用培哚普利 6 周,前后检测比较病人的血压、微量尿白蛋白、肾素活性、醛固酮水平及肌酐清除率等各项指标。结果 培哚普利治疗 6 周后,患者动脉血压明显降低( P <0.001)、尿微量白蛋白及肾素活性均有显著性改变( P < 0.001)。其它肾功能指标无明显影响。结论 培哚普利可在有效降低动脉血压的同时,对尿微量白蛋白有降低作用,并提示有肾保护作用。
Objective To study the effects of angiotension converting enzym e inh ib itor ( A C E I)—— Perin dopril onurinary ex cretion of alb um in and renal function in essential hypertensive patients. M ethods 42 patien ts w ith es sen tial hypertension received Perind op ril 4 m g daily for 6 w eek s after stopping all other anti hypertension dru gsfor at least 1 w eek. Blood pressure,urinary album in,and the levels of P R A, A L D, Bun, Cr of all patients atthe begining and at the end ofthe treatm ent w ere exam ined respectively. Results After 6 w eek treatm ent,both the blood pressure and urinary album in of 42 patients w ere m uch low er than before ( P < 0.001). Nosignificant changes w ere observed on renalfunction. Conclusion Perindoprilnot only can decrease the bloodressure, but also can reduce urinary album in, w hich m eans that it can protect the kidney.
angiotension coverting enzym e inhibitor
m icro album inuria
renal func tion