

A Novel Feeding Network with Composite Right/Left-Handed Transmission Line for 2-Dimension Millimeter Wave Patch Arrays
摘要 在综合分析了微带平面天线阵列馈电网络的两种传统馈电方式的基础上,提出了一种在微波工程应用中实际使用的一种新型馈电网络,提高学生理论知识与实践相结合的能力,更好的掌握最新技术发展。其新型馈电网络由一种左-右手混合微带传输线构成,可以获得高于传统并联馈电网络的天线阵列增益;同时,可以修正传统串联馈电网络的天线阵列辐射方向图的波束偏移,给出了一个工作频率为35GHz的2×2微带面阵的馈电网络设计案例,验证了其理论的正确性。 A novel feeding network with composite right/left-handed transmission line(CRLH-TL) for 2-dimension millimeter wave microstrip patch arrays is proposed.Because of the simpler structure and the shorter length of the CRLH-TL feeding network,the antenna array is of higher gain than that with the parallel feed network.Besides,the radiation pattern shift resulting from the traditional parallel-series feeding network is removed since no inserting phases shift are introduced in the patch elements using the novel feeding structure.
出处 《合肥师范学院学报》 2011年第3期42-44,共3页 Journal of Hefei Normal University
基金 安徽高校省级自然科学基金重点项目(KJ2011A241) 合肥师范学院青年人才基金项目(2011rcjj05)
关键词 左-右手混合传输线 微带平面天线阵列 毫米波天线阵列 平面馈电网络 composite right/left-handed transmission line(CRLH-TL) microstrip antenna array millimeter-wave antenna array planar feeding network
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