
布伦庙地区上古生界储集层特征及评价 被引量:2

Characteristics of the Upper Paleozoic Reservoir in Bulunm iao Area and Evaluation of It
摘要 为了解布伦庙地区上古生界储集层的基本特征及展布规律,对其沉积相、岩石学特征、成岩作用、储集空间类型、物性特征及孔隙结构等几方面进行了研究.主要储集层为太原组、山西组及上、下石盒子组.太原组、山西组以扇三角洲沉积为主,少部分海湾潮坪沉积.上、下石盒子组为河道砂体至泛滥平原沉积.太原组储集层岩性为粗~中粒、含砾中~粗粒石英砂岩.山西组为岩屑石英砂岩和石英砂岩.上、下石盒子组为长石石英砂岩、岩屑石英砂岩.储集层孔隙类型以次生溶孔为主,对孔隙形成具建设性的成岩作用是溶解作用.储集层物性特征总体上表现为低孔、低渗特点,孔隙度、渗透率相关性不明显.孔隙结构分析结果以Ⅲ类为主.储集层在纵向上是以下石盒子组相对最好. The Upper paleozoic reservoirin Bulunm iao area isstudied in the aspectsofsedim entary facies, petrologic charactoristics, diagenesis, reservoir space type, porosity, perm eability and capillary data. It is show n that the m ain reservoir bed consists of Taiyuan, Shanxi and upper and low er Shihezi form ations. Taiyuan and Shanxiform ations are m ainly deltaic fan deposit, and a little of bay-tide flat deposit. Upper and low er Shiheziform ations are channelsand and flood plain deposits. The reservoirofTaiyuan form ation is coarse ~m edium grain size sand and m edium ~coarse grain size quartz sandstone containing gravel, Shanxi form ationsiscutting quartzsandstone and quartz sandstone, and thatofupperand low er Shiheziform ations is feldspathic quartz sandstoneand cutting quartzsandstone.The pore type ofthe reservoirism ainly secondary so- lutionalvoid. Dissolution hasim portanteffecton the form ation ofvoids. Porosity and perm eability ofthe reser- voir allare low . Porestructureism ainly Ⅲtype. Low erShiheziform ation isthe bestofthereservoirin vertical direction.
作者 张学例
出处 《西安石油学院学报(自然科学版)》 1999年第6期6-9,共4页 Journal of Xi'an Petroleum Institute(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家"九五"重点科技攻关项目
关键词 上古生界 储集层 沉积相 成岩作用 孔隙 upperpaleozoicerathem , reservoircharacteristic, sedim entary facies, petrology, diagen- esis, pore type
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  • 1陈和平,江汉石油学院学报,1997年,19卷,2期
  • 2罗蛰潭,油气储集层的孔隙结构,1986年
  • 3刘宝--,岩相古地理基础和工作方法,1985年




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