采用二级优化算法对空间网壳进行形状优化分析,建立了以结构自重最小为目标函数的空间网壳形状优化的数学模型.详细分析了二级优化算法的实施步骤,以及一种有效的离散变量优化方法——相对差商法.最后利用该方法分析了一Kiew itt型球面网壳的形状优化问题,并得出一些有价值的结论.
A two\|level algorithm is proposed for shape optimization of spatial lattice shells.A mathematical model of shape optimization is established,and the objective function is to minimize the structural weight.The two\|level algorithm is described in detail in the paper.Also a new effective optimal method with discrete variables (relative difference quotient method) is adopted.At the end, a shape optimization of Kiewiti lattice shell is analyzed and some valuable results are received.