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5Rudert H,Maune S,Mahnke C G. Complications of dendonasal the paranasal sinuses. Incidence and strategies for prevention. Laryngo rhinootologie, 1997, 76:200 -215.
6Hamilos D L,Thawley S E,Kramper M A,et al. Effect of intranasal fluficasone on cellular infiltration,endothelial adhesion molecule expression, and proinfiammatory cytokine mRNA in nasal polyps. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 1999,103:79- 87.
7Senior B A, Kennedy D W, Tanabodee J, et al. Longterm results of functional endoscopicsinus surgery. Laryngoscope, 1998,108:151 - 157.
8Hosemann W. Postoperative rezidivprophylaxe bei chronischer pansinustis und polyposisnasi. HNO, 2003,51:279-283.
9Rudert H, Maune S, Mahnke C G. Complications of dendonasal the paranasal sinuses. Incidence and strategies for prevention. Laryngo rhinootologie, 1997,76: 200 -215.
10Hamilos D L,Thawley S E,Kramper M A,et al. Effect of intranasal fluficasone on cellular infiltration,endothelial adhesion molecule expression, and proinfiammatory cytokine mRNA in nasal polyps. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 1999,103 :79 -87.