In this study,we attempt to estimate and select the optimal observation profiles and observation tracks over the northern South China Sea,using an ensemble Kalman filter based optimized observational scheme and a ROMS regional ocean model for northern part of South China-Sea.Kalman-Filter-based optimal observation scheme is a Bayesian method,which improves observation locations by minimizing the expectation of the root mean square deviation(RMSD) of the analysis field.In another word,this method will minimize the expectation of the uncertainty of the analysis field after assimilating the observations in the selected locations.In this method,only observation locations are required to construct the observation operator,without using the real-time value of each observation.A group of historical snapshots of the model result are served as background ensembles.This method uses the covariance matrix uploading equation in the Kalman-filter theory,to minimize the RMSD of analysis filed.The optimal observation method combines the observation locations with the simulation system,in order to optimize the observation locations and observation strategy before it was conducted.This method can significantly increase the observation efficiency.In this study,the optimal method was used in South China Sea.First,we used the optimal method to select a group of observation locations(profiles) in the northern part of South China Sea.These observation profiles mainly distributed in the areas with high variability and very strong ocean currents.In addition,we used this method to select the best observation tracks.We found that the tracks mainly located around Shantou,Shanwei and the Taiwan shallow shoal.
Marine Science Bulletin
Northern South China Sea
optimal observation
ensemble assimilation