介绍了天气形势和采用多普勒雷达资料进行降雪估测的原理,利用雷达与降雪加密观测资料,对2009年11月10—12日石家庄地区暴雪过程采用卡尔曼滤波法进行降雪估测。研究表明:①卡尔曼滤波降雪估测法对石家庄地区的降雪估测效果较好,尤其是对较强降雪(大于等于2 mm/h)的估测。②采用卡尔曼滤波估测法对石家庄地区进行降雪估测,要根据不同的地理特征和雷达反射率因子、回波顶高等特征采用不同的仰角进行降雪估测,与雷达降水估测的仰角选取有一定的差别。因此,充分利用雷达产品与降雪加密观测资料能够估测降雪分布,可以为决策服务提供一定的科学依据。
The weather situation and the principles of snowfall estimation by using of Doppler radar data are introduced.The snowfall of a snowstorm weather process occurred in Shijiazhuang city from 10 to 12 November 2009 is computed based on the products of Doppler radar and the intensive snowfall observation by means of the Kalman filter method.The results indicate:(1) To use the Kalman filter method to estimate snowfall in this case is applicable,and the results are satisfactory,especially for the heavy snow of over 2 mm per hour.(2) The selection of elevations in estimating snowfall using the Kalman filter is based on the geographical features,the products of the radar reflectivity factor and echo tops,which is different from rainfall estimation.Both products of Doppler radar data and intensive snowfall observation data are useful in estimating the distribution of snowfall.
Meteorological Science and Technology