目的分析淮北市1998~2010年肺结核病登记报告及治疗管理监测结果,为评价结核病控制效果提供依据。方法对安徽省淮北市1998~2010年结核病疫情报表中肺结核疫情资料进行收集整理,分析13年间结核病人的发现情况及新发涂阳肺结核病人的构成和转归。结果 1998~2010年发现活动性肺结核病人16757例,其中涂阳肺结核病人8204例,新发涂阳6913例。新发涂阳病人男女之比为2.45:1(2χ=2451.59,P(0.01),58.28%的病人分布在15~54岁人群。活动性肺结核登记率由1998年的19.23/10万上升至2010年的68.16/10万;新发涂阳肺结核登记率由1998年的5.36/10万上升至2010年的36.13/10万;初治涂阳肺结核病人治愈率由1998年的69.77%上升至2010年的94.00%。结论 13年间淮北市结核病发现率和治愈率不断提高,发病已呈下降趋势。
Objective To analyze the monitoring data of the register report and the treatment management of pulmonary tuberculosis(TB) in Huaibei city from 1998 to 2010,and provide evidence for the evaluation of TB control plan.Method Epidemic data of pulmonary TB in Huaibei from 1998 to 2010 in the annual reports of TB were collected and used to analyze the detection of TB patients and the composition and outcome of the new smear-positive cases during these 13 years.Results From 1998 to 2010,a total of 16757 cases with active pulmonary tuberculosis(PTB) were discovered,among which 8204 cases were smear-positive patients and 6913 new smear-positive cases.The ratio of male to female among new smear-positive cases was 2.45:1(χ2=2451.59,P﹤0.01),and 58.28% of them aged between 15 and 54.The total registration rate of PTB cases increased from 19.23/lakh in 1998 to 68.16/lakh in 2010.The registration rate of new smear-positive cases increased from 5.36/lakh in 1998 to 36.13/lakh in 2010.The cure rate of new smear-positive patients increased from 66.77% in 1998 to 94.00% in 2010.Conclusion During the past 13 years,the detection rate and the cure one of TB cases continued to increase,while the incidence of TB showed decreasing trend in Huaibei city.
Anhui Journal of Preventive Medicine
Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Prevention and Control