

Amalgam Coating——One of Metal Coating Technologies on Surfaces of Materials that Invented by Ancient Chinese
摘要 介绍3500年前中国商代早期发明的一种在青铜器表面鎏镀富锡铜的技术,它使青铜器表面美观并耐蚀。到了2500年前的春秋晚期又发明了在青铜器表面鎏金的技术,使青铜器外表更美观并更耐蚀。鎏金技术历经二千多年的各朝各代一直延用至今,仍在一些仿古铜工艺品上应用。鎏富锡铜技术一直在铜镜的表面处理技术中应用,该技术在青铜器中应用时间长达三千多年。在古代,鎏金青铜器和鎏富锡铜镜随东西方交流逐渐出口到东亚、东南亚、西亚和欧洲各国。鎏镀技术也传向日本、朝鲜及西方各国。它对世界各国在鎏金装饰技术、铜镜鎏富锡铜、玻璃镜鎏锡汞齐和齿科补牙的银铜锡汞齐材料的发展都有过一定的贡献。鎏镀技术是中国古代的重大技术发明之一,而且至今还在运用着。 In this paper introduced an amalgam coating technology which is a sort of metal coating technologies on surfaces of bronze ware materials that invented by ancient Chinese in the early period of Shang Dynasty before 3500 years ago. This technology was a high tin - copper amalgam coating that often used on surfaces of bronze wares in the ancient Bronze Age period of China. It made bronze wares better corrosion resistance and attractive. Another amalgam coating was the amalgam gilding which was invented in the latter period of Spring and Autumn Dynasty before 2500 years ago. It made bronze wares best corrosion resistance and most attractive. The amalgam gilding technology has been used from 2500 years ago to nowadays in some replicas of ancient relics. In ancient times , the bronze wares and bronze mirrors were exported to Eest Asia, Southeast Asia, West Asia and Europe many countries in the world . The amalgam coating technologies were spreaded to Japan, Korea and West Asia et al. These technologies were affected the development of the gilt decoration, amalgam coating on bronze mirrors , amalgam coating of glasses and dental amalgam materials in many countries . Amalgam coating technologies invented by ancient Chinese were the important inventions in the world.
出处 《涂装与电镀》 2011年第3期25-28,共4页 Painting and Electroplating
关键词 青铜器 鎏镀 汞齐 鎏富锡铜 鎏金 铜镜 斑纹剑 bronze ware amalgam coating amalgam high -tin -copper amalgam coating amalgam gilding bronze mirror mottled swords
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