目的筛查Rh血型系统Rh(D)、Rh(E)、Rh(C)阴性血型,为临床预防溶血性输血反应及新生儿溶血性疾病的发生提供实验依据。方法用微柱凝胶法对11 035例作ABO血型鉴定标本同时进行Rh血型系统Rh(D)、Rh(E)、Rh(C)阴性血型筛查。结果 Rh(D)抗原阴性23例,检出率为0.21%;Rh(E)抗原阴性5 275例,检出率为47.8%;Rh(C)抗原阴性839例,检出率为7.6%。结论将Rh血型系统Rh(D)、Rh(E)、Rh(C)纳入到血型的常规检验项目,对预防溶血性输血反应的发生、提高输血治疗的安全性,以及预防新生儿溶血性疾病的发生具有十分重要的临床意义。
Objective To investigate and analyze the RhD(- ), RhE(- ) and RhC(- ) of Rh blood group system and to provide the experiment basis for preventing hemolytic transfusion reaction(HTR) and newborn hemolytic disease(NHD). Methods 11 035 cases of blood samples were examined for ABO,RhD,RhE and RhC blood groups by using micro column gel method. Results Among all of the detected samples,0. 21%(23/11 035) were with RhD(--),47. 8% (5 275/11 035) with RhE(-) and 7. 6% (839/11 035) with RhE(--). Conclusion To take Rh blood group system,including RhD,RhE and RhC, as routine blood group tests might have important clinical significance in the prevention of HTR and NHD,as well as in the improvement of the safety of a blood transfusion treatment.
International Journal of Laboratory Medicine