

Investigation of Life Quality of Patients with Onychomycosis in Longgang
摘要 目的了解甲真菌病时患者生活质量的影响。方法国际通用的半定势问卷,由专科医师进行现场调查。结果96例甲真菌病患者.女55例(573%),男41例(42.7%)。趾甲真菌病64例(67.7%),指甲真菌病48例(50%),趾甲扣指甲均受累16例(16.7%)。主观健康感受受影响的患者76例(79.2%),情感受影响的患者89例(92.7%),思维受影响的患者89例(92.7%),社交障碍的患者84例(87.5%)。女性甲真菌种病患者在情感和思维影响方面的评分均显著高于男性(P值均〈0.05)。不同年龄、不同病程患者各生活质量因子评分间的差异均无统计学意义(P值均〉(0.05)。结论甲真菌病不仅是美观问题,还对患者的生活质量有一定的影响。 Objective To study the life quality of patients with onychomycosis. Methods A semi-structured questionnaire was used to assess the impact of onychomycosis on the quality of life in patients form our hospital in Longgang. Results Ninety-six patients with onycomycosis including 41 female (42.7%) and 55 male (57.3%) were studied. In all these patients 50.0% of the patients had fingernail onychomycosis, 67.7% toenail onychomycosis and 16.7% suffered from both fingernail and toenail onychomycosis. Of the 96 investigated, 79.2% worried about their health atatus, 92.7% had emotional influence, 92.7% had thinking influence and 87.5% had difficulty in social communication. The emotional and thinking influences in the female patients were significantly more than in the male ones (P〈0.05). The differences in the different years-old and dease-history was no significant(P〉0.05) respectively. Conclusion Onychomycosis is not only a cosmetic problem, but also influences patients'psychosomatic health and their life quality.
作者 李振 钱振云 LI Zhen, QIAN Zhen-yun (Department of Dermatology, Longgang People's Hospital, Shenzhen 518172, China)
出处 《医学信息》 2011年第11期3398-3399,共2页 Journal of Medical Information
关键词 甲真菌病 生活质量 社交 onychomycosis quality of life social communication
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