
考虑环境因素的中国火电行业全要素能源效率研究 被引量:1

Total Factor Energy Efficiency Research on Chinese Thermal Power Industry Considering Environmental Resources
摘要 把环境资源作为一种要素纳入全要素能源效率计算中,并由污染气体排放量这一指标来体现环境要素的影响,运用数据包络分析方法,选取我国火电行业1994~2009年的相关数据,以劳动力、装机容量、能源消耗、污染气体排放量为输入指标及发电量作为输出指标,对我国火力发电行业在此期间的能源效率的趋势进行了研究。分析了现行火力发电行业技术效率和规模效率方面的问题,并提出通过提高能源利用效率和资源优化配置的方法来改善和提高火电行业能源效率水平。 The factor of environmental resources is involved in the calculation of total factor energy efficiency(TFFF),and polluted air emission is taken as an index to reflect the impact of environmental factors.This paper selects the related data of thermal power industry from 1994 to 2009,and applies data envelopment analysis method to study the trend of the energy efficiency in China during this period(taking labor,installed capacity,energy consumption and polluted gas emission as input indices and generating capacity as output index).Analysis is also made about the current technical and scale efficiency in thermal power industry,proposing to improve the energy efficiency by enhancing energy utilization and optimizing resource allocation.
出处 《华东电力》 北大核心 2011年第6期875-879,共5页 East China Electric Power
关键词 火电厂 数据包络分析法 全要素能源效率 环境资源 污染气体排放量 thermal power plant data envelopment analysis method total factor energy efficiency environmental resources polluted gas emission
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