

Influence of Near-field Ground Motion on RC Seismic Frame Response
摘要 文章研究了近断层脉冲地震动的工程特性。选择具有前方向性效应、滑冲效应和远场地三类地震动作为输入,对一座四层钢筋混凝土框架进行非线性时程分析。当结构的地震反应进入弹塑性阶段后,与远场地震动下的反应相比,在具有前方向性效应和滑冲效应地震动作用下,结构的反应有较大幅度的增大,对结构中下部的破坏作用的影响比较显著。 This paper examines the engineering characteristics of the near-fault pulse seismic. The nonlinear time history analy:sis of a four-story RC frame structure is implemented based on selecting directivity effect, :slip effect and far-field ground motion as inputs The structural responses are increased when the structural seismic responses step into the elastic-plastic stage, compared with far-field ground motion, and the influence of damaging on the mid-lower structure is significantly greater.
作者 张长浩 王薇
出处 《煤炭技术》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第7期107-108,共2页 Coal Technology
关键词 近断层地震动 前方向性效应 滑冲效应 非线性时程分析 near-fauh ground motion directivity effect slip effect nonlinear time history analysis
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