
模拟降雨条件下料浆石对土壤水分入渗的影响 被引量:2

Study on the Effect of Calcium Nodule on Soil Water Infiltration by Artificial Rainfall
摘要 论文基于田间坡地人工模拟降雨实验,分析了料浆石覆盖及嵌入对入渗过程的影响,对比了其入渗速率及拟合参数的变化趋势。其结果表明,随料浆石覆盖度及料浆石嵌入含量的增加,入渗补给系数逐渐减小,且后者对其影响显著;料浆石嵌入小区的平均入渗速率及稳定入渗速率随料浆石含量的增加而缓慢减小。Kostiakov入渗经验公式和Ph ilip方程均可以对降雨入渗过程进行描述。 Based on the artificial rainfall experiment on the slope land,the effects of calcium nodule content(embedded in soil) and coverage on infiltration process were studied,as well as the infiltration rate and fitting parameters.The results showed that both of the calcium nodule content and coverage had obvious effects on recharge coefficient,while the effect of the former was much more obvious.The average infiltration rate and the stable infiltration rate decreased with the increase of calcium nodule content.Both of Kostiakov infiltration model and Philip equation could describe the rainfall infiltration process well.
出处 《自然资源学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期1075-1082,共8页 Journal of Natural Resources
基金 教育部创新团队(IRT0749) 黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点试验室(10501-259)
关键词 人工降雨 入渗 料浆石覆盖度 料浆石嵌入量 artificial rainfall infiltration calcium nodule coverage calcium nodule content
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