
面向数字图书馆的扩展性集体管理制度探究 被引量:1

Study on Extended Collective Management System towards Digital Libraries
摘要 文章在从数字图书馆和著作权人两个角度讨论传统著作权集体管理制度在网络时代面临挑战的基础上,认为北欧国家的扩展性集体管理是一个与时俱进的解决方案。据此,简要概述了扩展性集体管理的发展现状,并分析了将该制度应用于数字图书馆的可行性。最后,结合我国的实际情况从适用范围、执行组织的指定、“退出”程序、争议解决、费用分配程序和使用条件等六个方面构建了一个具有较强实用价值的面向数字图书馆的扩展性集体管理制度框架。 After discussing challenges in the intemet era collective management system of copyright issues from two perspectives of digital library and authors, we hold the idea that extended collective licensing adopted in Nordic countries is a solution that can keep up with the times. Hereby, we summarize the status quo of extended collective licensing development, and analyze its practicability for collective management of copyright in digital library. Finally, coupled with our country's concrete conditions, we structure a digital library's extended collective management system framework with bigger practical values, which includes the following aspects such as scope of application, authorization of society, opt-out procedures, disputes settlement, expenses distributing procedures and use conditions.
作者 王英 马海群
出处 《数字图书馆论坛》 2011年第6期22-27,共6页 Digital Library Forum
基金 本文系2010年黑龙江大学学生学理论学术课题规划项目(TA11)和2007年度教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-07-0260)项目的系列成果.
关键词 数字图书馆 著作权集体管理 扩展性集体管理 Digital library, Collective management of copyright, Extended collective management
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