世界贸易组织(WTO)多哈谈判异常艰缓,虽已历时十年但仍距结束遥遥无期。在此形势下,为避免多哈谈判彻底失败,世贸组织拟把原来"一揽子承诺"的谈判模式转向"早期收获"模式。2011年4月21日,世贸组织总干事拉米和各谈判组主席发布了关于多哈回合启动十年来各议题谈判的报告和现有谈判案文。商务部世界贸易组织司选择其中一些比较重要的案文和报告译出。这些案文和报告是多哈回合谈判十年来的一个全面回顾,期待着为国内学者深入开展相关研究提供基础背景和相关信息。本译文是WTO贸易与环境委员会(CTE)主席Manuel Teehankee大使向贸易谈判委员会(TNC)的报告。Report by the Chairman of Committee on Trade and Environment in Special Session,Ambassador Manuel A.J.Teehankee,to the Trade Negotiations Committee(TN/TE/20,2011/04/21;http://docsonline.wto.org)
This report to the Trade Negotiations Committee (TNC) provides an update of progress made in the Committee on Trade and Environment in Special Session (CTESS) since the TNC in March 2010. It also aims at identifying areas that will require fitrther attention from Members to bring negotiations to a successful conclusion on all three parts of the mandate in Paragraph 31 of the Doha Ministerial Declaration. The report reflects the work undertaken pursuant to the announcement by the Chairman of the TNC in November 2010 of an intensive work programme through the beginning of2011, and complies with his guidance for draft texts to be developed so they may appear towards the end of the first quarter of 2011.
Environment and Sustainable Development