

Research progress of participation mechanism of lung cells in pulmonary fibrosis
摘要 肺纤维化发病机制包括3个主要环节:肺泡炎症和免疫反应;肺实质损伤;受损肺泡异常修复致肺纤维化。在肺纤维化病程中,肺内各种细胞均参与其中,了解其参与机制有助于探索治疗肺纤维化的潜在靶点。 The pathogenesis of pulmonary fibrosis includes three main processes: alveolar inflammation and immune response,lung parenchymal injury,and pulmonary fibrosis induced by abnormal repair of injured alveolar. All kinds of hmg cells are involved in the course of pulmonary fibrosis. Understanding the mechanisms will help to explore a potential target for treatment of pulmonary fibrosis.
出处 《国际呼吸杂志》 2011年第12期933-935,共3页 International Journal of Respiration
基金 基金项目:卫生部科研项目(wkj20062026) 江苏省“333工程”资助项目(苏人才办2007-16-09)
关键词 肺纤维化 肺内细胞 参与机制 Pulmonary fibrosis Lung cells Participation mechanism
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