

Legal Guarantee Mechanism for the Efficient Implementation of Farmland Conversion
摘要 农地是人类共有的稀缺资源,具有私人物品和公共物品的双重特性。农地非农化属于产权保护的问题,由此而产生的产权关系是对农地非农化现实法律关系的直接反映。农地非农化的法律关系可以分为两类:一类是基于权利自由交换的民事权利法律保护关系;另一类是基于政府管制的行政权利法律关系。我国宪法的立法精神强化了农地产权的公有性质,农地非农化的法律关系反映了执政党和政府公权的利益需要和目标,在实际的农地非农化过程中,政府采用市场之外的力量来限制、阻碍农地自由价格机制的形成,地方政府成为农地非农化的唯一需求者和唯一供给者。如何使农地非农化过程反映市场的价值规律并有效实现其最优法律价值目标,是所要研究的重点。 This paper introduces that the legal relationship of farmland conversion can be divided into two categories,namely legal protection of civil rights based on free transform of right;and administrative rights based on government regulation.The spirit of our Constitution strengthened the public nature of farmland property right.The legal relationship of farmland conversion reflects the need of interests and targets of ruling party and government public power.In the actual process of land conversion,the government adopts the forces beyond the market to limit and hinder the formation of free price mechanism of agricultural land;and the local government has become the only demander and provider of farmland conversion.This paper points out that how to make the process of farmland conversion reflect the market law of value and effectively achieve the goal of optimal legal value is the key point for the research.
作者 王忠 揭俐
出处 《中国国土资源经济》 2011年第6期33-36,55-56,共4页 Natural Resource Economics of China
基金 中国地质大学(武汉)国土资源法律评价工程实验室开放基金资助项目(571228)
关键词 农地非农化 价值目标 法律关系 产权契约 farmland conversion value targets legal relations title deeds
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