
Ag和Fe元素添加对Cu-Zr-Al系非晶形成能力和力学性能的影响 被引量:2

Effects of Ag and Fe elements on glass-forming ability and mechanical properties of Cu-Zr-Al bulk amorphous system
摘要 以Cu-Zr-Al三元系为基础,研究Ag和Fe合金组元添加对块体金属玻璃(BMG)及BMG基复合材料的非晶形成能力和力学性能的影响。在Cu-Zr-Al三元合金体系中,Cu50Zr42Al8系BMG的ΔTx=61 K,Trg=0.624,γ=0.416。适量添加Ag元素能显著地提高非晶形成能力;在Cu-Zr-Al-Ag四元合金体系中,Cu43Zr45Al8Ag4、Cu45Zr42Al8Ag5、Cu40Zr44Al10Ag6、Cu43Zr41Al8Ag8和Cu36Zr48Al8Ag8的Trg分别为0.618、0.625、0.618、0.628和0.598,γ值分别为0.424、0.427、0.424、0.432和0.433,ΔTx分别为77、76、78、84和108 K。在(Cu0.36Zr0.48-Al0.08Ag0.08)100-xFex(x=0,3,5,10,15,20)五元体系中,Fe的添加明显影响合金的非晶形成能力;尽管ΔTx和Trg呈下降趋势,但(Cu0.36Zr0.48Al0.08Ag0.08)97Fe3块体非晶合金仍具有较高的非晶形成能力,其ΔTx=103 K,Trg=0.566,γ=0.424;Fe的适量加入可显著提高合金的力学性能,其中(Cu0.36Zr0.48Al0.08Ag0.08)95Fe5合金的强度和塑性应变分别提高至2 249 MPa和4.9%。Fe元素的存在导致Cu36Zr48Al8Ag8合金中产生明显的相分离,使(Cu0.36Zr0.48Al0.08-Ag0.08)100-xFex合金得到增强增韧。 Based on Cu-Zr-Al tenary alloy,the effects of addition of Ag and Fe elements on glass-forming ability and mechanical properties of Cu-Zr-Al-Ag and Cu-Zr-Al-Ag-Fe bulk amorphous systems were investigated.Cu50Zr42Al8 BMG exhibits high glass-forming ability and thermal stability in ternary alloy system,ΔTx,Trg and γ of which are 61 K,0.624 and 0.416,respectively.The glass-forming ability of Cu-Zr-Al ternary alloy system is obviously improved with addition of Ag.In the quaternary system,Trg of Cu43Zr45Al8Ag4,Cu45Zr42Al8Ag5,Cu40Zr44Al10Ag6,Cu43Zr41Al8Ag8 and Cu36Zr48Al8Ag8 are 0.618,0.625,0.618,0.628 and 0.598,γ of which are 0.424,0.427,0.424,0.432 and 0.433,ΔTx of which are 77,76,78,84 and 108 K,respectively.In the(Cu0.36Zr0.48Al0.08Ag0.08)100-xFex(x=0,3,5,10,15,20) quinary system,the addition of Fe exists an obvious effect on the glass forming ability of the alloys.Although the ΔTx and Trg are reduced,the(Cu0.36Zr0.48 Al0.08Ag0.08)97Fe3 bulk amorphous alloy exhibits high glass-forming ability,and ΔTx,Trg and γ of this alloy are 103 K,0.566 and 0.424,respectively.The compressive fracture strength and plastic strain of(Cu0.36Zr0.48-Al0.08Ag0.08)95Fe5 alloy increase to 2 249 MPa and 4.9%,respectively,which shows that the addition of suitable Fe improves the mechanical properties obviously.The existence of Fe element results in the distinct phase separation in Cu36Zr48Al8Ag8 alloys,which strengthens and toughens the(Cu0.36Zr0.48Al0.08Ag0.08)100-xFex alloy.
出处 《中国有色金属学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期1066-1073,共8页 The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50961008)
关键词 块体金属玻璃 非晶形成能力 合金化 力学性能 bulk metallic glass glass-forming ability alloying mechanical property
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