目的 探讨卵巢巧克力囊肿 C T表现及其诊断价值。方法 36 例中共 50 个卵巢巧克力囊肿均作 C T扫描和 B超检查,全部病例经手术和病理证实。结果 50 个卵巢巧克力囊肿因出血时间不同 C T 密度不同,可为水样密度、软组织密度以至新鲜出血密度。囊内可有软组织隔,囊壁可厚而均匀或厚而不规则,但无附壁结节。结论 C T 和 B超对诊断卵巢巧克力囊肿的检出同样敏感,但对囊壁和囊腔的表现及病变与邻近组织的关系的显示 C T优于 B超。
Objective To evaluate the C T m anifestations and its diagnostic value in the detection of en dom etriosis of ovaries. Methods Fifty endom etriotic cysts in 35 cases exam ined by C T and ultrsound w ereidentified at operation and by pathological diagnosis. Special C T displays w ere studied. Results Because ofthe different bleeding tim es, C T findings m ight be different,som e appearing as w ater density, som e as softtissue density, and som e as fresh bloody density. There m ight be soft tissue partitions in endom etrioticcysts. The cystic w alls w ere thickened, but its thickness m ight be either evenly or irregularily distributedw ith no attached cystic w all nodule. Conclusion C T and ultrasound w ere equally sensitive in the detectionof endom etriosis of ovaries. C T,how ever,seem s to be superior to ultrasound,especially on the diagnosticquality about the cystic w all,the cavity,and the relations betw een the endom etric cyst w ith its adjacent tis sues.
ovarian cyst
tom ography, X ray com puted