
黑素瘤生物治疗的研究进展 被引量:3

The Research Progress of Biotherapy for Melanoma
摘要 黑素瘤是皮肤侵袭性肿瘤,对放疗和化疗均不敏感。目前用于黑素瘤的生物治疗方法包括基因治疗、免疫治疗、针对肿瘤血供的治疗等,发挥在基因水平上调控黑素瘤的演进、增强肿瘤微环境对黑素瘤的免疫力以及抑制黑素瘤的血液供应的抗瘤作用。生物治疗以其比传统治疗有更好的靶向性与特异性的特点,成为黑素瘤传统治疗方法的有益补充。 Melanoma which is resistant to chemotherapies and radiotherapy is an invasive tumor of the skin.Biotherapies such as gene therapy,immunotherapy and therapy targeting at tumor′s blood-supply have shown potential effects on the therapy for melanoma——regulating the evolution of melanoma at gene level,enhancing the immunity of microenvironment against tumor,and obstructing the blood supply of melanoma.Due to superiority of specificity and targeting effects compared with traditional therapy,biotherapy has become a beneficial supplement to the traditional treatments.
出处 《医学综述》 2011年第12期1794-1797,共4页 Medical Recapitulate
基金 徐州市科技基金(XM08C060)
关键词 黑素瘤 基因治疗 免疫治疗 血管生成拟态 血管内皮生长因子 Melanoma Gene therapy Immunotherapy Vaseulogenic mimicry Vascular endothelial growth factor
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