Through the comparative analysis the settlements in the environment and improve the status of landscape design factors affecting between China and Germany, and aggregate suited to China's national conditions and in line with the old residence of settlements development objective requirements of the environment strategy and design ideas. In the economic conditions permit conditions, the status of the former residence of settlements conducted a detailed survey analysis, to find the key issues, gradually resolved, the environmental landscape functions for the perfect starting point to achieve settlements beautify her home environment outlook and to create a harmonious and friendly relations with our neighbors, the community spirit and so on, as the ultimate goal in order to achieve the living environment of the fundamental increase. Chinese residents had changed their remand from physiological needs to have a good living environment, social and cultural environment, China's urban and rural living environment quality has significantly improved, in some aspects have made great achievements, such as the ecological and environmental protection and use, the continuation of regional cultural landscape, and so on, but, there are still some problems to be further studied and resolved. In particular, the old residences of settlements in the landscape are some partial improvement should be increased, no fundamental improvement in the living environment.
Science & Technology Information
Old residence
Environmental landscape
Improuement strategg
Ecological energy-saving