分析了煤矿供电系统中由于漏电现象而导致的瓦斯爆炸原因, 计算了127 V 系统单相接地电流的大小, 画出了快速断电装置系统的方框图, 设计了解开变压器中性点的电路. 也分析了中性点电路中主可控硅、副可控硅导通和关断的过程及该过程在实际装置中切断电路的时间不超过5 ms. 经现场运行证明, 该装置性能稳定, 运行可靠, 可以在煤矿井下127 V煤电钻系统中广泛应用.
The causes leading to the gas explosion owing to the leakage of electricity phenomenon are analyzed,the device which is able to cut off the circuit in 5 seconds while the leakage of electricity occurs are designed,and the work principle of circuit are expounded.It has proved that the protection device is stable and reliable through the production.
Journal of Jiaozuo Institute of Technology(Natural Science)