

Thermodynamical Analysis on Corrosion Mechanism of RH Submerged Tube Influenced by Desulphurizer
摘要 RH浸渍管侵蚀严重是目前采用RH脱硫普遍存在的一个问题,弄清其侵蚀机理是减缓和避免侵蚀的基本前提。采用FactSage软件从热力学角度分析了RH脱硫剂与浸渍管浇注料的反应机理,同时分析了脱硫剂以及浇注料中添加MgO组分对侵蚀的影响。计算结果表明,RH脱硫剂与浇注料反应生成的主要相为CaO.6Al2O3(CA6)和CaO.2Al2O3(CA2);添加5%(质量分数,下同)的MgO之后可以降低Al2O3在脱硫剂中的饱和溶解度,同时还有一定量的高熔点的MA尖晶石相生成,从而有效缓解侵蚀,提高RH浸渍管的寿命。 The corrosion of RH submerged tube is a current universal problem for RH desulfurization process,and understanding the corrosion mechanism is the basic premise to alleviate and avoid the corrosion.The mechanism of the reaction between RH desulfurizer and castable for RH submerged tube was thermodynamic analyzed using FactSage software,and the impact on corrosion of CaF2 and MgO in desulfurier and castable was also analyzed.The calculated results show that CaO·6Al2O3(CA6) and CaO·2Al2O3(CA2) are the main phase for castable after eroded by RH desulfurizer,the saturation solubility of Al2O3 in RH desulfurizer is lower after addition of 5% MgO.Meanwhile,compacted MA spinel with high melting point can be produced,which can effectively reduce corrosion and extend RH submerged tube utility longevity.
出处 《钢铁研究学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期9-12,29,共5页 Journal of Iron and Steel Research
关键词 脱硫剂 浸渍管 浇注料 侵蚀机理 desulfurizer RH submerged tube castable corrosion mechanism
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