
中国成年男子元素粪排出量研究 被引量:1

Elemental Daily Excretion in Feces of Chinese Adult Men
摘要 目的获得中国成年男子46种元素日粪排出量及其与尿排出量的比值。方法在我国4个不同膳食类型地区采集120例健康志愿者连续72h尿粪样品,预处理后,采用ICP-MS,ICP-AES等仪器测定其中46种元素浓度,结合其每日尿粪排出体积(质量)计算统计取中位数作为全国代表值。结果获得了46种元素日尿粪排出量及其比值。结论填补了我国此方面研究空白,首次获得46种元素日粪排出量及尿粪排出比值,为确定我国参考人相应参数参考值和某些重要生物动力学参数提供依据。 Objective To obtain 46 elemental daily excretion in feces and the elemental ratio of daily urinary and fecal excretion of Chinese adult men.Methods Feces and urine samples were collected in 3 days running in 4 areas with different dietary types in China.The concentrations of 46 elements in these samples were analyzed by ICP-MS,ICP-AES after pretreatment.The median of results was calculated with the data of the amount as the representative of urinary and fecal excretion.Results The data of 46 elemental daily excretion in feces and the ratio of daily elemental excretion in urine and feces of Chinese adult men were obtained.Conclusions The research fill the gaps and obtain the data at first in related fields in China and provide exploratory basis for developing reference values of Chinese Reference Men and some important biokinetic parameters.
出处 《中国辐射卫生》 2011年第2期140-142,共3页 Chinese Journal of Radiological Health
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30770654)
关键词 中国成年男子 元素 粪排出量 比值 Chinese Adult Men Element Feces Ratio
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