
用户需求驱动的Web服务测试 被引量:4

Testing Web Services Based on User Requirements
摘要 Web服务涉及开发者、提供者、注册中心、用户等多方,各方测试目的、所掌握的资源以及所使用的测试方法各异.以用户需求来驱动Web服务测试,更切合现状且能提升测试效率.文中建立了用户需求特征模型,引入层次关系、控制结构、约束条件等要素;对照目标级、服务组合、原子服务需求,分别进行基于等价类划分、数据流分析和变异测试的测试用例生成选择;当需求变动时,通过波动分析能迅速定位到服务的相关路径和变量,保证回归测试的效率;最后通过行程安排实例展示了工作流程和实验结果. Web service testing can be carried out by developers, providers, integrators, third-party certifiers and users, and different testers have different testing objects, testing resources and testing techniques. In realities, testing Web services in the view of users is more practical than others, and can improve testing efficiency in the case study. The authors set up user requirement model firstly, which began with general and abstract object requirements, and then decomposed and refined into concrete and determined atomic Web services, together with such key ele-ments as layer relationships, control structures and restrict conditions, presented as a tree-style model; Next, test case generation and selection is carried out for the object level, service combination level and atomic service level of the user requirement model, and the corresponding tech- niques are based on equivalence division, data flow analysis and mutation testing; Then, the regression testing would have better efficiency. Based on the dependence relationships in the user requirement model and the fluctuation analysis method, the related paths and variables of Services under testing could be determined quickly; Finally, the workflow and case study are shown with the travel scheduling example.
出处 《计算机学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期1029-1040,共12页 Chinese Journal of Computers
基金 国家"九七三"重点基础研究发展规划项目基金(2009CB320703) 国家自然科学基金(60873050 90818027 61003020 91018005) 武汉大学软件工程国家重点实验室开放基金(SKLSE20080717)资助
关键词 WEB服务测试 用户需求 测试用例生成 依赖性分析 回归测试 Web service testing user requirement test case generation dependence analysis regression testing
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