Autoconer X5凭借最新的功能及技术特点一经推出就获得了市场的热烈反响,赢得了市场的广泛认可。现如今,即使在一些劳动力成本仍然相对较低的地区,许多纺纱厂也越来越倾向于选择自动化的现代设施,Autoconer X5兼具智能化和自动化的物料运输系统,能充分满足用户的要求。
Autoconer X5 had a lot of advantages, which had obtained enthusiastic responses and extensive approbations from market. Many spinning mills were turning increasingly to modern automated systems, even in some regions where labour costs were still low. And the Autoconer X5 had intelligent automated material flow, showed special advantages of intelligent automation, which could fully meet the requirements of customers.
Melliand China