1996 年7 月23 日22 时25 分至23 时50 分,山西省吕梁地区兴县突降特大暴雨,兴县水文站实测降雨量为107 .0m m ,其中最大1h 降雨量高达101 .6mm ,重现期约为670 年一遇。蔚汾河山洪暴发,兴县城区南沟门前河段调查洪峰流量1 440m3/s,重现期约为80~90 年一遇。兴县城区和部分乡村被淹,造成17 人死亡和9 790
An extraordinary storm happened from 22∶25 to 23∶50,July 23,1996 at Xing County of Shanxi Province,the recorded rainfall by the Hydrological Station of Xing County is 107.0mm,in which the maximum rainfall of one hour is as high as 101.6mm,and the investigated flood peak of the rainfall(101.6mm)is estimated to be 670 year,that of the flood peak discharge(1 440m 3/s)is 80 90 year.The genesis of the storm rainfall and cause of the flood damages are analysed,and some measures on flood damage prevention are given.
Shanxi Hydrotechnics