Our study shows that during Last Glaciation, frequent oscillation marked withalternating predominance of pollen assemblages of upper montane rainforest andtropical lowland rainforest are observed, in which, pollen grains of mangrove and lowmontane rainforest change associated with tropical lowland rainforest while Pinepollen and fern spores fluctuate together in phase with the upper montane rainforest.Such oscillations accelerated during the last deglaciation. Though strong fluctuated,pollen grains of upper montane rainforest increase periodically during the glacial time,reaching its maximum at LGM and keep dominant during the deglaciation. Pollenpercentages of tropical lowland rainforest and mangrove, though variable, keep inmoderately high values in this Pened. The Holocene is characterized by the rapidlyrise of both tropical lowland rainforest and mangrove pollen ratio, and a substantialincrease of Dicranopteris fern spores is observed from 2 300 aB. P. The followingstages in the vegetation development of the South China Sea region were distinguished:(l) From 26 500aB. P. to 18 300aB. P., mangroves and upper montane forestsexpanded gradually, while the habitats of tropical lowland rainforests and lowermontane forests became smaller.(2) From 18 300aB.P. to 9 900aB.P., upper montane forests together with tropicallowland rainforests expanded. while mangroves and lower montane forests decreased.(3) From 9 900aB.P. to 5 200aB.P., both upper and lower montane forests beganto decrease sharply, followed by a quick expansion of mangroves and tropical lowlandrainforests.(4) From 5 200aB.P. to 2 300aB.P., upper and lower montane forests contiuned toretreat, and at the same time mangroves and Tropical lowland rainforests achievedtheir climax. 'The vegetation became stable.Our study suggests that: l) A substantial decrease in temperature occurred duringthe last glacial maximuxn(LGM). The cover of upper montane forests is eshmated tohave been 2 to 3 times larger during the LGM than in the Holocene. 2) During theLGM, large areas of Sunda Shelf were covered by tropical lowland rainforests andmangroves though their distribution fluctuated frequently. So there is no clear evidencefor drier condition in the LGM but from frequent variation of pollen percentage ofmangrove which is largely controlled by precipitation, small oscillations withquasi-millennial cycle in humidity probably existed. 3) The climate optimum isrepresented by the large expansion of mangrove and tropical lowland rainforest, andan evidence of human impact appears from 2 300aB.P.
Quaternary Sciences
pollen, deep sea core, environmental change, the southern South China Sea