红土型金矿不一定规模大、品位低、粒度细; 而更多的是中、小型规模, 品位可高可低, 粒度可粗可细; 矿床分布不局限在现代的低纬度地区, 而应具体分析古地理和古气候; 大地构造环境不强调稳定区和准平原化, 活动带中一些相对稳定的地区也能成矿; 红土化发育程度不要求很高, 只要达到次强度、甚至中度富铝化即可。正确认识这些基本地质特征和成矿条件,对研究红土型金矿的成矿理论和找矿实践、甚至对选冶方法和流程, 均具有重要的指导意义。
Many lateritic gold deposits are with middle or small scale, high or low grade and thick or fine granularity. We must analyse Paleogeography, paleoclimate, tectonics setting and lateritization degree of them. They are not only distributed in the modern low latitude areas but also in some relatively stable areas of the active zone. And for the metallogenesis, a very high development degree of lateritization is not necessary, a middle aluminous development degree is enough.
Yunnan Geology