利用T106数值预报产品物理量分析场资料, 对1998 年7 月23~25 日百色地区持续性的暴雨天气过程进行分析, 揭示了暴雨发生前后影响系统及物理量场的分布与演变特征、影响系统和各种物理量的相互配置与暴雨的关系, 指出能量锋的出现与暴雨落区的形成关系特别密切。
In the context of the physical quantities analysis data of T\-\{106\} numerical prediction products,the analysis of the succesive torrential rain processes on 23~25 July 1998 in Baise prefecture reveals the relations of the affecting systems with patterns and variation features of physical quantity fields and the relation of the affecting systems and the disposition of various physical quantities with heavy rain It is pointed out that the energy front is closely related with fall areas of torrential rain
Journal of Guangxi Meteorology