利用世界气象组织划分气候异常的标准, 统计了广西86站1961—1998年的气温和降水资料, 得出了广西近40a气温、降水异常的时空分布特征, 发现异常的出现以局部性较多, 全区性较少, 90 年代的4 月、7 月、9月、10月月平均气温异常较频繁, 月降水量异常较多的是1 月、3月、6 月、7
WT5,5”BZ]The WMO's standard of anomalous climate is used in analysis of the temperature and precipitation data at 86 stations in Guangxi from 1961 to 1998.The analysis reveals that number of local anomalous climate are greater than that of extensive anomlous climate over the whole Guangxi. Monthly mean temperatures in the 1990s are frequently anomalous in April,July,September,and October while monthly mean precipitation is frequently anomalous in January,March,June,and July.
Journal of Guangxi Meteorology