将含BaSO4 92-5 % 的重晶石矿经雷蒙磨初级粉碎、酸洗、五级湿法剥片超细粉碎等处理可获得超细产品, 其粒度组成: d10 = 0 .1μm , d50 = 0 .45μm , d90 = 1 .45μm 。粉料经稀硫酸处理, 可提高其白度及耐候等性能。在剥片中加入活化剂可在超细粉碎的同时进行活化处理。通过加入到几种油漆中使用和检测, 说明本工艺生产的产品具有分散性好、稳定性好等优点, 是沉淀硫酸钡的一种理想替代品。
After crushed by Raymond Mill, the barite ore bearing BaSO 4 92.5% was treated by dilute sulfuric acid washing and wet milling in five sets of BP 80 Agitation Mills. The superfine ore powder with the size distribution of d 10 =0.1μm, d 50 =0.45μm and d 90 =1.45μm could be obtained. The white degree and weather resistant of the powder increased after washed by dilute sulfuric acid again and the activator added during the grinding can activate and powder. The active powder has been used in several oil paint products. The results showed its good dispersity and stability in oil paints. The porduct is a good alternative of the precipitated barium sulfate.