
一种新型提高射频功率放大器PAE的电路技术 被引量:2

A Novel Design Technique for Increasing PAE of RF Power Amplifier
摘要 提出了一种新型提高射频功率放大器功率附加效率(PAE)的电路技术,该方法通过滤除二次谐波分量、反射叠加三次谐波分量以提高电路PAE,分析了相位匹配的机制及其影响因素。基于该技术设计了一款功率放大器,仿真结果表明:工作频率为918 MHz时,该功放的P_(1db)达到了30.05 dBm,功率附加效率达到了58.75%,较普通功放提高了12%,功率增益在20 dB左右。 A novel design technique for increasing Power Added Efficiency (PAE) of RF power amplifier is demonstrated. PAE is increased by reducing the 2^nd harmonic element and reflecting the 3rd harmonic element, and phase matching is accounted for this design. A power amplifier for experimental verification is designed and fabricated based on this topology, simulation and measurement results show that: its power gain reaches up to 20 dB, output power is 30.05 dBm at 1 dB gain compression point, and the maximum PAE comes up to around 58. 75% which is 12% higher than conventional power amplifiers at 918 MHz operation frequency.
出处 《固体电子学研究与进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期257-262,共6页 Research & Progress of SSE
关键词 相位匹配 谐波控制 功率附加效率 功翠放大詈苷 phase matching harmonics controlling PAE power amplifier
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