本文首先建立磷氮时空分布模型并确定模型参数的率定方法。文章模拟了新建清平水库建库初期磷氮变化情况,得出由不稳定到稳定的过程。水库磷氮时空变化的模拟结果表明,空间分布是从库尾到大坝浓度逐渐递减,时间分布是一年中P,N 浓度七月份最高,年初年末最低,其分布曲线类似高斯分布。
In the paper,the temporal and spatial distribution model of P and N during the initial stage of reser vior operation and method of defining paramter of model are discussed The model is applied to modeling the change concentrations of P and N during the initial stage of Qinpin Reservior operation The result of modeling Qinpin Reservior shows that the concentrations of P and N are reducing from end to dam during the initial stage,and the concentrations are stable after three years
Sichuan Environment